You wake up in a strange world with the ability to scale everything at your will. You can either use these new found powers for good or for evil so choose wisely.

The character walks too slowly, I want a run button! People have complained that the character is too slow and there should be a run button... so... uh.. There actually is a run button: You can run by pressing B. The reason why it isn't told at the start of the game and the keybind is strange is because it is supposed to be a reveal at the end of the game that you could have, in fact, ran faster the whole time. So use B to sprint if you feel like the base speed is too slow for you.

Made in 96 hours for the GMTK Game Jam 2024 by PikseliMikke and Sampza12
Additional ideas and sound effects by Sande10 and Pothoss
Music by Pothoss

Font Patrick Hand by Patrick Wagesreiter


Gardener Only if the window was larger to let more light in... Make sure not to scale the plant too big so it doesn't miss the light!
Hatless The hat could be behind a bush.
Stuck Outside You have to find another way inside, but the mouse doesn't seem to be too excited about it. Maybe you could give it some cheese safely kept in an abandoned house inside a vase. Hopefully nothing heavy breaks it.
Fisher You can scale the puddle into a lake. The fisher will reward you for your troubles.
Cat Owner You can't drag the cat once it's out of the tree, but maybe you could lure it.
Lemonade Seller You don't have any cash on you but maybe you could find something else that has value. Remember that balloons can only lift so much, and a big painting could hide something behind it.
Farmer Maybe you could get a container that could hold water. Make sure not to trample the farmer's last living crops.
Elephant Normally elephants are scared of mice but maybe you could change this by giving them an equal footing.
River Only if there was something laying on the ground doing nothing that you could use as a bridge.
TV Watcher A flatscreen TV would be nice. Not only are they slimmer but they also tend to have a bigger display.
Child Maybe if the child were bigger, his mom would let him watch the TV.
Artist The paintings don't match each other. Maybe they could at least match in size.
Photographer A giant bug would surely be interesting. Only if there is nothing blocking the view.
Crocodile Scaling the spike smaller could make it fall off.
Updated 18 days ago
Published 22 days ago
PlatformsWindows, HTML5
GenrePuzzle, Adventure
Tags2D, Game Maker's Toolkit Jam
Average sessionA few minutes


Download 33 MB


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fun game but how am i supposed to get the item out the house?